Embracing Irrationality: August Highlights

I wanted to take a break this week from my regular blog content to focus on some Irrationality highlights that caught my eye this month:


In Embracing Irrationality, I talk about a client with a vision of transforming his convenience store chain into a logistics center. His vision was largely ignored, but now DoorDash is making it happen. I believe we’ll see a lot more of these mini-logistics/retail centers with a focus on delivery. Retailers like Bonobos have been going this way for a while, but what other industries will join? https://www.businessinsider.com/doordash-opens-8-convenience-stores-to-deliver-spices-medicine-2020-8

Forbes article / Rob Reed:

Thinking and acting locally is top of mind for consumers during the pandemic. As I told Rob Reed for Forbes, consumers want greater transparency and reassurance about the impact of their spending from companies. Attn CMOs: How are you shifting your local strategy during Covid? https://www.forbes.com/sites/robreed/2020/08/03/cmos-need-to-think-and-act-locally-in-the-age-of-covid-19-and-beyond/#138fa82149b6

Tom Goodwin:

Since ad industry futurist Tom Goodwin received backlash from his COVID tweets and was pushed out of Publicis and generally “cancelled,” I’m happy to fill the void — minus the killer hair, sexy Australian accent, and anti-science beliefs, and with half the intellect. #challengeaccepted 

Embracing Irrationality:

Your periodic reminder that we need irrationality now more than ever. Download my book, Embracing Irrationality, and challenge yourself to think irrationally about the future of your business, your career, and the world. https://www.bengaddis.com/book

Austin AAF Breakfast Serial


Why The Fitness Industry Is About To Get Insanely Irrational

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